7 Things You Need to Know about Wearing Braces


The day has finally come, as you always knew it would—your orthodontist has recommended braces. It’s a familial trait, the crooked teeth, and you figured one day you’d have to get braces. But you tried to ignore it for as long as you could.

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Mostly, you did that out of fear. What does it mean to wear braces? Sure, straight teeth that contribute to a healthy mouth would be great. But while you’re wearing braces, what is it like? Will it hurt? What do you need to know?

The recommendation has come in, and you’re ready for this journey. You’ll learn everything you need to know about wearing braces and wearing them with pride!

Here are seven things you need to know about wearing braces.

1. Braces Are for All Ages

You are never too old for braces. Treatment is best when it can be done when you’re a child and your mouth is still developing; however, it is possible to wear them as an adult. In fact, many adults undergo orthodontic care.

Straight teeth are better for oral hygiene, so if you want a healthy mouth at any age, it’s time to consider braces.

2. What Kinds of Braces Can I Wear?

There are many options when it comes to braces, and your orthodontist can help you select an option that works for your health, budget, and lifestyle. There are the more traditional braces—metal brackets and rubber bands—that can be installed, and there are newer techniques like Invisalign—clear aligners that can be removed.

Talk to your orthodontist to find the best option for you.

3. Costs Vary

Braces aren’t cheap, but between health insurance coverage and financing plans through your dental office, there are ways to make the treatment affordable. The cost will depend on your age, location, the clinic, and the complexity of your case. Average costs can range from $3,000 to $7,000 but the exact cost will be determined by your orthodontist.

4. Treatment Time Can Vary

Treatment will always depend on your situation; orthodontic care is case-by-case sensitive. This means your personal time wearing braces will differ from others. On average, people are usually wearing braces for one to two years. It’s something to keep in mind when deciding to get braces; however, don’t let the time frame stop you.

There’s never a great time to wear braces, but the longer you wait, the more your teeth can shift to a poor position.

5. Prepare for Discomfort

Braces will move your teeth; discomfort is going to occur. Remember that you are working with a medical professional who has your best interests at heart. It’s impossible to avoid discomfort, but you can take steps to ease it. There are many tips to minimize discomfort.

Always remember that most of the discomfort you will feel is temporary.

6. Regular Trips to the Orthodontist

Once your braces are installed, you’ll need to schedule regular visits to your orthodontist. The frequency will depend on the kind of braces you select, so talk to your orthodontist about the option that may suit your busy schedule best.

7. Braces Are Only the Start

Once you’ve invested in braces, you are only starting your oral hygiene journey. When the braces come out, there will be a post-braces treatment—such as a retainer—that you may require.

In the end, orthodontics is definitely worth it. The treatment simply requires some planning, knowledge, and a willingness to commit. Your orthodontist is there to help you at every step and will guide you to the great smile you deserve.