TMD/Orofacial Pain

What is Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD)?

TMD occurs when there are problems with your temporomandibular joints (TMJs).  Orthodontic treatment for TMD includes the use of parafunctional habit-controlling appliances like mouth guards.

Your temporomandibular joints (TMJs) connect your lower jawbone to your skull. TMD occurs when there are problems with the muscles and jaw joints in the face.

What are symptoms of TMD?
  • Pain in the jaw joint area
  • Ringing or stuffiness in the ears
  • Frequent headaches or neck aches
  • Clicking or popping sound when the jaw moves
  • Muscle spasms in the jaw area
  • Locked jaw or limited opening of the mouth
  • Unstable biting position

How is TMD treated?

Orthodontic treatment for TMD depends on the history and cause of the problem and on the individual, but common treatment options include:

  • Medication (pain meds, muscle relaxants)
  • Heat and cold compresses
  • Orthopedic appliances (Splints)
  • Parafunctional habit controlling appliances (mouth guards)
  • Physiotherapy
  • Botox injections

Book a consultation with our orthodontist who specializes in TMD/Orofacial pain to explore your treatment options

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